09 May The Other Side of my Story
Life began by waking up and loving my mother's face. - George Eliot ...
Life began by waking up and loving my mother's face. - George Eliot ...
I have long wanted to shoot candy canes like this. I've been so inspired by the photos and sentiments shared by the participants in my recent classes...
I had an enlightening conversation with a new friend today. I confessed to her in the first 10 minutes of our call that sometimes I feel like the wizard behind the curtain hoping no one will ever pull it back to reveal the parts of me I still choose to...
It didn't take you all long to guess the belly of the hour! Who knew the tattoo would give it away? I didn't even know this beautiful mommy-to-be even had it until I had the honor of capturing these images. I am flattered and deeply moved...
Myriam, Jen, Jen, Hula, Ali, Mati, Kelly Rae, Andrea and me (on the end- running into place after I pressed the shutter for our annual timer shot). I'm not usually at a loss for words but coming home from a friendship retreat like this leaves me...
A Lesson then a Listen Seven years ago she broke through the dark and silent night with her complex and multi-layered symphony. Highs, lows, intensity, tenderness, discord, harmony, all woven together in a unique concerto that has become the sound track of our lives. A gift like this seemed appropriate for someone who has blessed our lives with...
Everything is unfolding exactly as it should. - Jen Lemen No matter how many times I have heard it (and it's been many many times) it always reassures me. Thank you Jen. And on the subject of Jen; for those of you who haven't taken Jen and Andrea's Mondo Beyondo class...
Although most of my day was on the chaotic side, I ended up totally at ease at a Buddhist Monastery with friends, collegues and a Zen Master. It was pretty amazing, I must say. I am thrilled to have the honor of working on a photography...
-A delicate cactus flower, shot April 16th 2008. They live for only 24 vibrant and bold hours. One of the recent prompts at Picture Spring was about looking back at life one year ago today, if for no other reason but to remember what things were...
About a week or so before I launched the I am Enough Collaborative I got an email from Whitney of Bel Kai Designs reintroducing herself after months (even years?) had past since our first brief email exchange. I was reminded of her beautifully designed, romantic and...