This poem by David Whyte has been on my mind since my trip to Oregon. The amazing Myriam left it on the wall for us when she left early for her flight. And then darling Jen Gray's shared it on her blog. I have read...
It's TGIF over at Ordinary Courage. I have been waiting for this day all week.
I trust my intuition. I trust that I am on the right path. I trust that everything is playing out as it is meant to. The hardest part of trusting that is when...
I'd love to see some of your best shots using the art of the vignette because I have loved shooting images like the one above lately. So fun!
I love the idea of letting go (or at least trying) and had the chance to muse on the subject over...
A dear friend often reminds me, We are together. Despite the miles, despite the sometimes overwhelming feeling of isolation, despite the fact that a great many of us have only gotten to know one another through the computer screens in front of us...
-Gypsy Girl Alex - Oregon Coast, summer 2008
My dear friend Alex was just interviewed at Artists Who Blog. Her sentiments reminded me why I do this. Why I put my photographs, my stories, my children, my life out there via my blog (or many blogs...