amazing people Tag

I had an enlightening conversation with a new friend today. I confessed to her in the first 10 minutes of our call that sometimes I feel like the wizard behind the curtain hoping no one will ever pull it back to reveal the parts of me I still choose to...

A Lesson then a Listen Seven years ago she broke through the dark and silent night with her complex and multi-layered symphony. Highs, lows, intensity, tenderness, discord, harmony, all woven together in a unique concerto that has become the sound track of our lives. A gift like this seemed appropriate for someone who has blessed our lives with...

Everything is unfolding exactly as it should. - Jen Lemen No matter how many times I have heard it (and it's been many many times) it always reassures me. Thank you Jen. And on the subject of Jen; for those of you who haven't taken Jen and Andrea's Mondo Beyondo class...