The Pomp and Circumstance of Graduation Day

The Pomp and Circumstance of Graduation Day

I haven’t yet perfected the art of posting in real time, even on Instagram. It’s not until hours or even days after the fact that I can even try to articulate an experience, in pictures and/or words. I have to sit, think, reflect, ponder, and FEEL (oh, the feeeeling) first. My process is long and slow; excruciatingly so sometimes. It’s like I have to go aaaaaallllll the way through it and back again before I can even attempt to share it. I have no idea why I can’t just keep it simple- share and move on. Sometimes I think that gift of swift movement would be a gift; a freedom even. But that’s just not my process. So, I’ve gone through all the photos again and again as well as the minute by minute play of the entire weekend. Laughter, tears, pride, sorrow, relief, and release. And now, a week later I can finally share these photos. I’ll consider it a victory since there are many occasions I never share. But, in the case of my daughter’s college graduation, there’s no way I could let this one pass without a post. It’s one of the big ones, many years in the making! Here are some of the more traditional shots of Julia’s Graduation Day at American University. There are others from our weekend excursion that probably better tell the story of our whirlwind extended family adventure in DC (and believe me, there are many stories!) but, I’ll save those for later. Right now, let us celebrate with pomp and circumstance!

We are beyond proud of you, Julia! Not only for all you’ve accomplished over the past 4 years at University, but because of who you are, inside and out, heart and soul. Here’s to your big, bright, beautiful future, you amazing girl!

  • Nadine Wilmanns
    Posted at 09:22h, 19 August Reply

    I can or feel like sharing pictures only after days of an event too;-) It`s like I wanna keep it for myself for a while, have a look at pictures and enjoy them for a bit – then letting them go either on Instagram or send them to the people who shared the day of the event with me.. Congratulations to your daughter! Such a great day! Nice for her that she had you there to capture the moments. I`m reading your book Elevate the Everyday at the moment – even though I`m not a mom, but I find your pictures so inspiring that I wanna aswell have my camera (or at least my phone) ready in the supermarket, on dog walks, when reading in the garden, on the way to the train,… to capture the little things that otherwise would get forgotten. 🙂

    • Tracey
      Posted at 15:27h, 06 September Reply

      Nadine, thank you for your comment and your kind and encouraging words! Also, I am THRILLED to hear you’re enjoying Elevate the Everyday. It’s music to my ears. Thank you for taking the time to comment here. It means the world!!

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