Author: Tracey

this girl, she is reflections in windows. getting lost then being found. what is normal is awkwardness, the sometimes bitterness. the habit that returns in love.   this girl, she is holding hands on the coast of maine. nuzzling beards, undressing insecurity, devouring artistry. sometimes ragged. sometimes hollow-eyed. she is acceptance of ordinary.   this...

Just flying in from a few days in heaven, my heart and my head are still there. Something tells me it might take a while to come back down to earth. How did you spend your spring break? ...

Remember how I said I was bursting at the seams with what's to come? Well, here's the first of a number of awesome things that will be happening in 2012. I'd like to announce Two Takes;  the new photo-prompt experience I am hosting along side my photographer friend and creative cohort, Bindu Wiles. Yes,...