Author: Tracey

I certainly do hope your week went a little better than mine did. None the less, thanks to a lot of rest, care from my family and quite a few bowls of chicken soup, I'm feeling a little more like myself today. It's been a long...

Am I the only one who marvels at the fact that no matter what kinds of swirling, spinning activity there is happening out and about on the world wide web, we can still stay so close to home? As I wind down a day of bright, bold...

Paradoxically, what immediately surfaces for me when i consider enoughness is the consistent and persistent feedback I have received about being too much. Not being enough has its roots for me in being told I am too much. I have been told repeatedly that I am too...

So finally, all of the projects I've been working on behind the scenes are beginning to reveal themselves. All the ideas, thoughts, intentions, and plans are slowly unfurling. It feels amazing. And a little bit scary. If I didn't admit that sometimes I feel fearful of forging ahead, of...

  Life is, above all else, a gift. Each breath, each ray of sunshine, each gust of wind, each snowflake, each step, each open door, each connection; all gifts. When life gets overwhelming (good or bad makes no difference) I try to hold onto this perspective and carry...