Author: Tracey

Myriam, me and Jen Lemen. Image by Kelly Rae Roberts   I don't know where I'd be without Myriam in my life. The first time we met, I was very pregnant with my second daughter. Before I had any adequate time to even get to know her one-on-one,...

I cannot begin to tell you how much I love this photo! I rarely get opportunities to have my photo taken with my girls so this was extra special. I shared the story behind the experience over at Shutter Sisters today if you'd like to...

I love fortune cookies because they (almost) always bring good news. Yesterday after an enjoyable lunch with the lovely ladies at Stampington & Company (publishers of impossibly gorgeous mags like Artful Blogging and Somerset Life) we all received delightful fortunes. Christen's was about grand Adventures. Amanda's forecasted much Happiness. And mine was positive...