23 Dec Holidays
wishing you peace, hope, wonder, light, love and joy collage created at www.tabblo.com ...
wishing you peace, hope, wonder, light, love and joy collage created at www.tabblo.com ...
Many of you already know that I am the mother of two bright and beautiful daughters. God knows I post enough photos of them around here to make it pretty obvious. So, what does having daughters mean to me? It means a lot but what...
The phrase "a picture is worth a thousand words" has never been more true.http://news.yahoo.com/photo/061208/ids_photos_wl/r470729295.jpg ...
Back to the giving...
Remember to love no matter what.Remember to give to those who are in need.Remember to ask for help when you are in need.Remember that no matter how bad it is, it could be worse.Remember that you are not alone (even when it feels like you...
An amazing group of my mom friends have come together to provide some relief for a needy family this season through Heifer International. I find the gesture particularly moving; providing families a way to sustain their households by giving them something as valuable as livestock...
I vividly remember the very first time I ever saw my husband and as I watched him from across the room (OK it was a bar), I absolutely knew he was one of those exceptional people. It was only later that evening, when I spoke...
When all else fails, go shopping. But for the love of turkey, pleeeeease back away from the mall!Who needs big crowds, long lines and headaches when you 've got the coolest moms in the world doing the leg work for you?These savvy elves know where...
So, last night was the "Red Carpet" Wii launch party at the new Boulevard3 in Hollywood. Yes, me and the hub were invited. I am a Nintendo Ambassador after all. Like how I throw that phrase around? I'm just trying to milk my gaming stardom...
So, I've got the invite but not the outfit. Blogger Fashionistas, I need your help. Where to go? What to buy? What the hell am I going to wear??Please.Help. ...