09 May The Other Side of my Story
Life began by waking up and loving my mother's face. - George Eliot ...
Life began by waking up and loving my mother's face. - George Eliot ...
I had originally written the post at Shutter Sisters for this blog. It's quite personal and so I figured sharing on my personal blog was appropriate. I was actually a little nervous about being so vulnerable by sharing such a story. But, it felt like something...
While in Palm Springs I found myself totally enchanted by (what else?) palm trees. And looking through the lens of my muse, the Spartus brought the kind of magic I was feeling into to the images. I owe it all to my friend Hula. The very person who...
When the three lovely ladies of Teahouse Studio asked if I would be interested in teaching a photography workshop at their adorable new studio space in Berkeley, California I was giddy! An intimate creative setting to sip tea, talk shop and shoot? Sign me up! Won't you...
Enjoying some time away. Experiencing new things. Gathering inspiration. Connecting with friends. Focusing on new surroundings. Seeing with fresh eyes. Investing in myself. This is exactly the kind of downtime I've been needing. What are you enjoying these days? ...
Each evening the sun goes down. The world around us seems to come to an end of sorts. And with the the dawn, the new day begins; full of possibility, time, opportunity, light. And so it goes, mere hours later...
From flu bugs to puppies to doors opening to dreams coming true, everything is coming fast and furious. When the tides of life swell above your head and you're trying to keep your head above water, how do you do it? I would say doggie paddle, but that may be far...
Rhythm –noun 1. movement or procedure with uniform or patterned recurrence of a beat, accent, or the like. 2. the pattern of regular or irregular pulses caused in music by the occurrence of strong and weak melodic and harmonic beats. 3. measured movement, as in dancing....
So finally, all of the projects I've been working on behind the scenes are beginning to reveal themselves. All the ideas, thoughts, intentions, and plans are slowly unfurling. It feels amazing. And a little bit scary. If I didn't admit that sometimes I feel fearful of forging ahead, of...
I'm bursting with excitement over here. Right now, more than ever I am leaning on and living in the magic of togetherness. From what I can tell from here, 2011 is taking shape as the year of community on so many levels. From communal online...