14 Jan Happy Together
There's a story that goes along with my Best Shot Monday but I think I'll wait to share it until later this week. For right now, I want to enjoy it, just as it is. What shot did you enjoy this week?...
There's a story that goes along with my Best Shot Monday but I think I'll wait to share it until later this week. For right now, I want to enjoy it, just as it is. What shot did you enjoy this week?...
Most photographers are somewhat protective of their images. And they should be. If you shoot it, the image belongs to you and no one else should be using that image for anything without asking. There are exceptions to the rule but for the sake of...
As our winter vacation comes to an end and Monday marks the beginning of the normal daily routine, I'm reflecting on the past few weeks and acknowledge that the Clark family had a really nice holiday. No drama and even better, no illness. That's huge!...
As far as having a Happy New Year I can say, so far, so good. I'm calling this one 'scarf, stripes and Stella'.Paris for lunch and then to Monte Carlo for Dinner. Tom and Katie have nothing on us...
I'm excited to say that above and beyond working on Shutter Sisters (due to launch Jan 21st-yay!) I've been transferring the archives from Picture This to a new and improved blog site. Oh baby. Good times. I will be unveiling the spruced up version of...
I hope the day brought you all your heart desired. ...
Welcome to the very first Best Shot Monday hosted at Mother May I. I appreciate your willingness to come on over! I've even created a bright and shiny new button commemorating the event. Yay!I know it's Christmas eve and everyone is busy with the festivities...
As you might already know, I have said my good-byes at Picture This on ClubMom. Sniff sniff. But before I left I handed off the Thursday's Themes to Stacy at The Land of Ka.The theme this week was WINDOW which I thought was fab as...
It’s no secret than in just over a year my family has gone from non-gamers to total gamers. Nintendo gamers that is. I wouldn’t have believed it if you’d have told me that last September before we hosted our Wii party. No way. I did...
Since it's that time of year when we are all scurrying around trying to figure out what to get for out kids, I thought it was a great time to post some ideas for your little photographers. Actually, I only have one camera I am...