hope Tag

  She came in the dark of night after traveling long and far through low clouds and fog to join me. Strong, steady, unwavering. Through all of the layers. Through the darkness.   How did she find me? I think to myself.   I imagine there was some kind of...

On the way out the door this morning my youngest daughter pointed out this little volunteer bloom on our front walk; hopeful beauty growing up from the cracks. Get a picture of it Mom. All I needed was that invitation. Not only is discovering something as sweet as this...

This weekend an intimate dinner of joy and hope brought a dear friend across the country to visit. She brought with her the company of amazing women. It was a delight to have the chance to spend time with each of them. The normal miles between us have...

  "I believe a joyful life is made up of joyful moments gracefully strung together by trust, gratitude, and inspiration." -Brene Brown A little gratitude on a Friday is a really good thing. And of course there's the trust and inspiration part. Thanks Brene for jarring me out of...