hope Tag

The madness continues as I desperately try to make it all work. Work, family, passion, play. It's a lot to expect I suppose that all of these things in life can be manageable. But, I never ever lose hope, or faith that if I keep following my...

  As I soar and swirl about in new places where the air seems thinner and it's more difficult to breath, I try to slow the pace of my breath and the beat of my heart and remember that I am exactly where I want to be. Life...

Following an impossibly wild ride this summer I have found myself totally depleted. Tanks empty, motivation and energy at rock bottom. So, what's a girl to do? Nothing. Which is everything. In other words, I've unplugged myself from many of my daily online habits. And at first I hated it....

One day you're doing everything that you can to remind yourself to keep walking, feet firmly planted, one step at a time. In totally trust of the gift of gravity. And then you're so giddy you're jumping off the ground, leaving it all behind not caring whether you...

This image came straight out of the camera (SOOC), presenting itself just as it is, just as it should be. The solitary subject matter, in all it's complexities is the main focus here and yet is it the relationship between the bloom and the bokeh that makes this...